
ศาสตราจารย์ ดร. สมเด็จพระเจ้าน้องนางเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี
กรมพระศรีสวางควัฒน วรขัตติยราชนารี

IUPAC เปลี่ยนแปลง น้ำหนักอะตอม ธาตุบางธาตุ

BBL-CST Small Scale Chemistry Training for ASEAN Teachers Small Scale Chemistry Experimental Design Competition

All the teachers, who participated in Small Scale Chemistry Workshop organized by the Chemical Society of Thailand in year 2022, are invited to design the small scale chemistry experiment and create its video.

Ten winners of each country will be selected to go to Chiang Rai, Thailand in January 20-23, 2023 to be trained as trainers and attend the International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (PACCON2023).

Rules of Small Scale Chemistry Experimental Design competition

1) The designed experiment must;

  1. Be relevant to one topic in the curriculum that you want to teach, which shall be different from those 9 experiments of the workshop. However, the modification from those will be accepted.
  2. Use all kinds of materials you can find, not limited to the items in the small scale chemistry experimental kits.
  3. Imply to the chemical safety and green chemistry aspects as well.
  4. Allow the students to do and comment to get the suitable experimental procedure.

2) The duration of the video is no more than 5 minutes with an explanation in English (if not, a subtitle in English is required).

3) The teacher could invite the students to do the experiment in the video.

4) The teacher must send a video together with a one page explanation about the experiment in English to [email protected]

Important dates

Submission of a video; November 13, 2022
Announcement of the winners; November 30, 2022
Presentation in PACCON2023; January 21,2023
Training the trainers; January 22, 2023
