
ศาสตราจารย์ ดร. สมเด็จพระเจ้าน้องนางเธอ เจ้าฟ้าจุฬาภรณวลัยลักษณ์ อัครราชกุมารี
กรมพระศรีสวางควัฒน วรขัตติยราชนารี

IUPAC เปลี่ยนแปลง น้ำหนักอะตอม ธาตุบางธาตุ

IUPAC 47th World Chemistry Congress

You are invited to participate and contribute to the IUPAC 47th World Chemistry Congress to be held at the Palais des Congrès, Paris, July 7-12, 2019.

Important date for abstract submission: November 2018 – 1st March 2019

Abstract submission guide 

This IUPAC-2019 Congress and the joint 50th General Assembly will present an exceptional character as both will celebrate the Centenary of the Union. Special events will be organized all week long, encompassing a Celebration plenary session organized together with the IUPAC100 Committee, a celebratory evening organized by the Young Scientists at the Maison de la Chimie, the Celebration gala dinner, and an official Ceremony organized at the Sorbonne in presence of the French authorities, IUPAC Council, NAOs diplomatic delegations and prestigious scientists and guests.

The programme of such a general Congress was built to merge the different fields of chemistry and to address today’s most challenging issues relevant to human well-being and sustainable development but it remains broad enough to welcome every contribution whatever the domain of research or the academic and industrial origins. It has been reviewed by a worldwide panel of recognized scientists. Furthermore, dedicated symposia will consider the educational, historical, gender, and other timely aspects, together with the very sensitive question of Chemistry and Society. A dense Young Scientists programme is also planned throughout the week.

Some 30 Symposia are offered, with multiple half-day sessions co-organized by teams of Foreign and French scientists. About 900 oral presentations will be delivered, including about 260 invited lectures and 640 oral contributions open to regular attendees. Two (or three) sessions of 1000 posters each will be organized all along the week.

Clément Sanchez

Professor at Collège de France

Chair of IUPAC-2019 WCC

and Centenary Events
