This conference aims at (i) raising awareness of Thai stakeholders about SDGs, especially concerning follow-up and review mechanisms; (ii) reviewing the state of Thailand’s SDG implementation; (iii) identifying Thailand’s priority SDG goals, current data gaps, and potential approaches for strengthening follow-up and review, including proxy indicators and data sources; (iv) identifying priority research areas; and (v) capturing lessons learned from Thailand that can be shared regionally and globally. The language of the Conference is English.
[day 1] Time: May 27, 2021 02:00 PM Bangkok
Zoom meeting
Meeting ID : 973 2334 1311
Passcode : 276456
[day 2] Time: Jun 2, 2021 02:00 PM Bangkok
Zoom meeting
Meeting ID : 987 4090 5041
Passcode : 208477
Dr. Wenchao Xue (e-mail: [email protected])
Dr. Allan S. Tabucanon (e-mail: [email protected])